A cardiac arrest can happen to anyone. But resuscitation is easy. 100 pro!




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Does the patient react?
Are they breathing / are they
breathing normally?
Dial 112 (Europe) / 911 (USA).
Or get someone else to
make an emergency call.
Push down firmly and quickly on the middle of the chest: at least 100 times per minute..
Do not stop until help arrives.
To a detailed instruction

Resuscitation is easy. Everybody, even kids can do it. Save a life with 100-per resuscitation!

Thomas Zeltner Former Secretary of Health of Switzerland and Special Envoy of the World Health Organization (WHO) A cardiac arrest is a life-threatening situation and responsible for more than 2,000 deaths every day in the U. S. and Europe. Sudden cardiac arrest can hit anybody at any time. The person affected immediately loses consciousness and stops breathing normally or stops breathing altogether. Survival is unlikely unless chest compression begins within 5 minutes after cardiac arrest.

And now it is your turn! Already simple actions can help to survive a cardiac arrest. Anyone can learn these actions, even young students. A cardiac arrest can occur anywhere at any time. You can save the life of a family member, a friend or someone you run across, just by remembering Check, Call and Compress (as explained on this website) and start resuscitation. Do you know that immediate cardiac massage doubles or trebles the chances of survival?

Would it be great living in a society in which it is naturally like sticking a plaster, to perform resuscitation? We can achieve this with your support, if already kids save lives!

Therefore, the aim of the campaign “Kids save lives” is to introduce resuscitation teaching in the curriculum of schools worldwide. Can you imagine how exciting it is to learn how to revive and in which way even simple measures can help to save a human life?

Jointly with my colleagues at the Patient Safety Program of the World Health Organization (WHO), I am convinced that you will share our enthusiasm and therefore support the campaign “Kids save lives”:

I believe in you. I believe kids save lives!

Thomas Zeltner

Former Secretary of Health of Switzerland and Special Envoy of the World Health Organization (WHO)

On this website we - the anesthetists and anesthesiologists - provide simple steps of resuscitation and give practical guidance for everyone.


Sudden cardiac arrest can affect anybody at any time. The person affected immediately loses consciousness and stops breathing normally or stops breathing altogether.
Survival is unlikely unless cardiac massage begins within 5 minutes of cardiac arrest. The earlier you start, the better. And viceversa: immediate cardiac massage doubles or trebles the chances of survival.

Resuscitation is easy.

Everybody, even kids can do it.

Save a life with 100-per resuscitation!

Spot EU 112

Spot US 911



World Record Resuscitation 17 Sept. 2013

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  • What is heart massage? …more

    During heart massage, you press down firmly on the center of the rib cage. When you do this, it makes the blood circulate. Because if the heart isn’t beating, then there’s no blood circulating. To get the bloodstream moving, you have to press the breastbone downward by 5–6 centimeters twice a second (100–120 times a minute).  

  • What are the important things to do during heart massage?…more

    When you see someone collapsing and becoming motionless, it’s important to follow these three steps:

    1. Check: :is the person unconscious, are they not breathing or not breathing normally?
    2. Call: dial 112 or get someone else to call the emergency services.
    3. Compress: : start doing heart massage, pressing down firmly and quickly in the centre of the chest. Don’t stop until help arrives.

  • Why is heart massage important?…more

    Even when someone isn’t breathing any more, there’s still some oxygen left in the blood. When you keep pressing down on the breastbone (100–120 times a minute), it makes the blood circulate in the body again and supplies the brain and other cells with the oxygen needed to stay alive. Starting heart massage straight away means that valuable time can be gained until paramedics arrive to provide professional help.

  • When should I stop doing the heart massage?…more

    Keep on doing the compressions until the paramedics arrive and can take over. Because if you stop pressing, the blood will stop circulating and the cells will no longer be getting any oxygen. Keeping the supply of oxygen constant stops the cells from dying!

  • Does heart massage increase the person’s chances of surviving?…more

    Yes. Starting heart massage straight away doubles or trebles the person’s chances of surviving.

  • What sort of people are able to carry out heart massage? …more

    Anybody can do it. There isn’t anything you can do wrong.

  • Does heart massage cause pain?…more

    Someone who’s unconscious doesn’t feel any pain. A few patients say they have some chest pain after they’ve recovered consciousness. But that’s a pretty small price to pay for having their lives saved.

  • Is mouth-to-mouth ventilation necessary?…more

    If you’ve had some training in mouth-to-mouth ventilation, you should do this as well as the heart massage — at a ratio of 30 heart compressions to two ventilations. If not, then concentrate on heart massage. That’s already doing a lot of good!

  • Do you have to open the person’s clothing at the neck?…more

    Opening a stranger’s clothing to expose the chest may make you feel uncomfortable. But remember: it’s a matter of life and death. The crucial point is to make sure you’re applying the heart compressions at the right point. Being able to see where you’re applying the pressure can be a help.


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